On road since 40 years

By Jayabhadra Devi Dasi

On September 2, 1984, the All India Padayatra was inaugurated in Dwaraka Dhama, the westernmost point of India. Since then, it has been travelling all over the country, covering approximately 300,000 kilometers, while distributing books and pamphlets in ten different languages.

Padayatra has successfully introduced or revived the chanting of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra in thousands of villages across nineteen of India’s twenty-five states, planting seeds of bhakti (devotion) in millions of hearts and rescuing thousands from depression. As of Radhastami 2024,  Padayatra completed forty years of preaching, having traversed India six times, including a pilgrimage to the Himalayas and Nepal last year.

Wherever the padayatra travels, it performs miracles by spreading Krishna consciousness. The padayatris have transformed Go-Bhakshaks (cow slaughterers) into Go-Rakshaks (cow protectors). Along the way, they have faced many adversities: dacoits have attacked them, stealing the money they earned from book distribution, and in some cases, even beating them. Their ox, Balarama, was once kidnapped, but was mercifully rescued from a slaughterhouse by Lord Gauranga’s grace. Their tractors, shoes, watches, and phones have all been stolen. They have endured many adibhautik klesh – physical hardships caused by others, including the rain, heat, cold, and unreliable accommodations. Yet, despite these trials, the padayatris continue forward with determination, carrying their Gurudev’s order in their hearts. They describe their lives on the road as “adventurous,” always smiling in the face of challenges.

The idea of celebrating the padayatra’s fortieth anniversary came from Svetadvipa Dasa, a senior padayatri from Mauritius. When he discussed it with former AIP leader Istadev Dasa and current leader Acarya Dasa, all three were excited by the idea. Known for his organizational skills, Istadev Dasa immediately set to work preparing for a grand gathering of senior and junior padayatris at Jagannath Puri Dhama. Both the All India and Utkal (Orissa) Padayatras were in Orissa, with Utkal Padayatra inaugurated on Radhastami, making it an ideal time to celebrate both anniversaries together.

Padayatris and well-wishers from around the world were invited to this padayatra jubilee. Former leaders, except for the first leader Jaya Vijay Dasa, attended, including second leader Sanak Sanatana Dasa, Istadev Dasa, Rupa Goswami Dasa, and Acarya Dasa, who has led the padayatra for fifteen years. Senior devotees present included Akhildhara Dasa, Lokamanya Dasa, Krishna Balaram Dasa, Prasanta Devi Dasi, Upanananda Dasa, Prahlad Dasa, Dasaratha Dasa, Caitanya Candra Dasa, and Abhirama Dasa and many more.

The three-day festival was filled with endless glorification of Padayatra. On September 8, with both chariots moving in unison, the padayatris arrived at the Gundicha Temple (the Garden House of Jagannatha) and stayed at a Gaudiya Math. That evening, an ecstatic sankirtana took place on Puri’s Bada Danda (Grand Road), a 3km stretch from the Gundicha Temple to the Singhadwara (Lion’s Gate) of the Jagannath Temple. Despite heavy rain, nothing could stop the padayatris. On the morning of October 9, Lokanath Maharaja and Radha Raman Maharaja joined the padayatra as they walked from the Gundicha Temple to the festival venue at Purusottam Gaudiya Math, where there was a grand welcome for the padayatris and the Maharajas.

The padayatris gathered around their Gurudev like children around their mother. Gurudev was delighted to see the senior padayatris and greeted each one personally. A group photo was taken, capturing this remarkable reunion. The padayatris then gathered in a hall where they shared cherished memories from padayatra’s early days, their faces glowing with joy as they laughed and recalled past experiences.

The All India Padayatra (AIP) is the mother of all padayatras, where padayatris are trained in fulfilling the desires of Srila Prabhupada and Lokanath Swami Gurudev, who envisioned “millions of carts,” or at least one padayatra per state. As a result, there are now seven baby padayatras, each led by trained padayatris: Utkal – Dhirnayak Dasa; Bengal – Rasautsava Dasa; Andhra Pradesh – Radha Vallabha Dasa; Tamil Nadu – Sevananda Dasa; Uttar Pradesh – Ritudvipa Dasa; Maharashtra – Damodar Lila Dasa; and Punjab-Haryana – Radhika Vallabha Dasa. All of these leaders were present for the fortieth-anniversary celebration.

On the second day, there was an abhishek  of the Orissa Padayatra’s newly installed, large Deities on Their chariot. This was followed by an abhishek of the utsava (festival) Deities of both padayatras, Sri Sri Nitai-Gaurasundara, performed by Lokanath Swami Maharaja, Radha Raman Maharaja, and senior devotees, along with a grand maha aarti. Lokanath Swami Maharaja then shared his heart: “All devotees are dear to me, but padayatra devotees are dearest. Padayatra is my life. Among the many instructions I received, the one for padayatra is the foremost that Prabhupada gave me. I cannot do it alone.” 

ekaki amara, nahi paya bala, hari-nama-sankirtane[Ohe! Vaisnava Thakura, verse 3]

“I received this order at the Sri Radha Parthasarathi Temple on Radhastami. I still remember all the orders clearly. All the padayatris were there—Atma Tattva Prabhu, Ravi Prabhu, and Siddhartha Swami Maharaja. From the beginning, we envisioned many padayatras gathering at places like Mayapur, Pandharpur, or Jagannath Puri from time to time. We thought all of this on the same day we got the orders. We used to meet up at Vraja-mandala Parikrama or Navadvipa-mandala Parikrama, but this reunion at Sri Jagannath Puri, where old padayatris are meeting the new padayatris, is what we dreamed of. This was our vision, and by the realization of it I am very pleased. It’s a Padayatra Family reunion.” 

yāre dekha, tāre kaha ‘kṛṣṇa’-upadeśa

āmāra ājñāya guru hañā tāra’ ei deśa [CC, Madhya 7.128]

This tradition of padayatra is ancient. Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu did it,  and so did Prabhupada. I thank all of you who have become padayatris and supporters of padayatra. I am very happy to see all of you. Seeing you is the perfection of my eyes.” 

Istadev planned the festival to perfection and on the last day he took everyone to Puri’s Ananda Bazar where he sponsored a prasada feast and coordinated the event from the stage. All three days were the program of a lifetime in the history of padayatra – a grand reunion of all padayatris under one shelter with the pioneer of padayatra, Lokanath Swami Maharaja ki jai. 

Now, we look forward to the fiftieth anniversary of the All India Padayatra!