Padayatra Slovenia is a caravan of song and dance, a festival of Vedic and Vaishnava culture.  Its motto: from pure consciousness to a pure heart and a clean environment and fulfilling relationships. The 2018 slovenian Padayatra was thus a renewed opportunity to sincerly serve the devotees and Krishna. This year we toured  the central part of the country and Ljubljana, the capital, from July 3rd to 20th. We also went to Bled and Portoroz for one day.

For the third  year in a row, devotees’ accommodations were arranged at the Ljubljana Sri Panca Tatva temple, at Žibertova 27. We walked in the afternoon, from 4 pm to 8 pm, starting from the temple.

This year’s summer  marked our 17th padayatra – a wonderful pilgrimage with beautiful Sri Sri Nitai, Gaura-Nataraj, Srila Prabhupada, Tulasi devi and the Lord’s devotees. The walk was accompanied by loud singing of Lord Krishna’s names and stunning dancing.

Padayatra is the mission of Caitanya Mahaprabhu and the path of self-realisation for this age, for all people and all living beings. It is is also a wonderful opportunity for devotees to associate among themselves everyday through spiritual programs and entertainment. All kinds of devotees get the chance to experience the constant chanting of the holy names, distribution of prasadam and of Srila Prabhupada’s books to people in general.

Slovenian devotees and devotees from other countries had been warmly invited to join this unselfish form of preaching of love of God. The response was amazing, especially because many young devotees from 10 to 18 years old participated in the  walk.  Lalita Govinda prabhu, the padayatra organizer, is very happy to see this program is so well accepted among youngsters. They could associate among themselves in a spiritual atmosphere and experience first hand the mission of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. They also found it interesting because they could meet their peers from Spain.

This year’s special guests were Bir Krishna Goswami, Prahladananda Swami, Devadharma Prabhu and  Bhagavat-purana Prabhu.

The devotee who participate on padayatra remain friends forever, every devotee is  convinced of that.




Total:   1261 books

289 Science of Self-Realization

3     Sri Isopanisad

90   Teachings of Lord Caitanya

251  Krishna’s Kitchen

209  Chant and be happy

191  BhaktiYoga – The Art Of Eternal Love

100  Easyjourney To OtherPlanets

119  Beyond Birth and Death

2600 brochures/pamphlets




14000  pieces of prasadam