by Abhay Charan Nimai Dasa “If you want to experience the real nectar, then go on padayatra.” One day I met Akhila Dhara Prabhu, a senior disciple of Srila Prabhupada,…
by Abhay Charan Nimai Dasa “If you want to experience the real nectar, then go on padayatra.” One day I met Akhila Dhara Prabhu, a senior disciple of Srila Prabhupada,…
By Visnuswami Dasa, leader of the Andhra Pradesh/Telangana Padayatra In the Hyderabad area we feel very satisfied as many people are welcoming us and asking us to come again and…
By Padmanabha Dasa Invitation Kishore Badal, chairman of the Hindu Coordinating Council (HCC) of Gauteng , South Africa, forwarded an invitation to ISKCON to participate in their 26th Shivratri Walk.…
By Bhakti Carudesna Swami On Saturday December 23rd 2017 ISKCON Lomé organized its second padayatra in Togo. Around 45 devotees from different countries of West Africa met in Lomé, the…
by Ayodhyanath Dasa In 2017 Panchatattva Dasa and I successfully organised three padayatras in our native Mauritius, a country often referred to as an ancestral melting pot. The first was…
Saturday December 23 : 27 km walk from Lomé to Adétikopé See contact numbers and emails on the poster.
By Nrsimha Caitanya Dasa How we hunted the rhinoceros Srila Prabhupada once said that if we really want to achieve something, we must be in the mood of hunting down…
By Ananda Gaurangi Dasi The 2017 Padayatra Lithuania took place on June 13-18. We were blessed with the presence of Niranjana Swami for the second time and of Dhirasanta Das…
Foreword: Padayatra in America is characterized by long stretches of impersonal highways and people are generally living tightly locked up in their homes and cars. The nature of preaching in…
By: Madhava Smullen on Oct. 6, 2017 (ISKCON News) On Friday September 15th, Bhaktimarga Swami, “The Walking Monk,” crossed the finish-line for his 3,550-mile walk across the USA in San…