Whereas, Srila Prabhupad is the inspiration behind padayatra. There exists
substantial communication, instructions and vision statements that Srila
Prabhupad made in respect of Padayatra. One being – “ We can introduce
millions of such carts all over the world”. Padayatra was very important to
Srila Prabhupada, and close to his heart. He envisioned padayatra’s
contributing role to ISKCON’s future everywhere, at all times.

Whereas Bullock cart sankirtana/Padayatra was an imperative part of Srila
Prabhupada’s strategy for spreading Krishna consciousness in India

Whereas, the GBC statement of 1991 states:“To bing congregational chanting
of the holy name to every town and village of the world through organised
Padayatra festivals”

Whereas,  whenever and wherever Padayatras are organised (in and outside of
India) it is proving to be an effective, self sufficient and engaging
activity, especially  as it promotes huge distribution of Srila Prabhupad’s
books in the remotest parts of India.

Therefore, it is resolved that all divisional councils, individual’s temples
and farm communities with goshalas in India are encouraged to include
Padayatras (walking festivals) as one of their key outreach programs.

Temples are recommended to organise Padayatras, at least as an annual
event.   If this is not possible, then they could elect to organise padayatras as
frequently as is possible with manageable and varied distance and duration.