Our team

By Murlimohan Dasa

28th July we successfully completed our  11th One Day Padayatra out of 75 Padayatras, dedicated to our beloved Guru Maharaja, Lokanatha Maharaja on his 75th Vyaspuja.*

We started at 8.30 am from Hebatpur Momai mata temple, Hebatpur gaon  and covered each and every lane and corner of the village and covered 5 kms. At starting point all devotees were served breakfast prasadam. A villager offered fresh raw cow milk to all the devotees.

Full of ecstatic harinama sankirtan distributed Srila Prabhupada books, 23 big books and 36 small books.

Made 65 videos of Fortunate People.

Many villagers greeted Their Lordships to their house which we locally call as “padrani” and they offered various fruits and juices to the Deities. Padayatra completed at 12:40 PM and at the end lunch prasadam was served to all the devotees in the local village temple. One villager offered butter milk to all the devotees.

We thank all the devotees who participated and made this event successful.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and One Day Padayatras.