By Damodarlila dasa, Maharashtra Padayatra leader
In January our spiritual master, Lokanath Maharaja, called a meeting of ISKCON leaders and preachers in Pandharpur. I was also called for the meeting. Maharashtra Padayatra already had a tractor but it was not in good condition, so I spoke on the need for a new one in the meeting and immediately the other participants agreed. They then collected laxmi and sponsored a new tractor for us.
By the mercy of Srila Gurudev and the Vaishnavas we received the vehicle on the eve of Papamochani ekadashi. It will be very helpful for we can load all our books, luggage and fodder for our oxen in it. When we walk, we have our chariot in front followed by the tractor and trolley.
From the core of our hearts the padayatris thank Maharaja and our god-brothers for sponsoring the tractor.