The Lord sends a great soul to support padayatra
By Ritudvipa dasa, UP Padayatra leader Walking through the city of Kanpur and the surrounding villages during the first few days of the Uttar Pradesh Padayatra in September 2019 was…
Uttar Pradesh padayatris heartened to recommence their preaching journey
By Ritudvipa dasa, UP Padayatra leader The coronavirus lockdown kept the Uttar Pradesh Padayatra confined to the village of Bhilwal 30km from Lucknow for five months, about forty per cent…
Padayatris will always miss their well-wisher, Yasomatinandan Prabhu
By Acarya dasa, All-India Padayatra leader On October 24, 2020, we padayatris got the sad news that ISKCON Ahmedabad president His Grace Yasomatinandan Prabhu had left this planet. He had…
Rupa Raghunath Maharaja commends Mahuva’s donors and devotees
By Acarya dasa, All-India Padayatra leader After almost six months confined to Mahuva in Gujarat a special guest came to padayatra. Rupa Raghunath Maharaja visited the All-India Padayatra on October…
AIP back on the road in Gujarat as India relaxes travel restrictions
By Acarya dasa, All-India Padayatra leader Having spent six months of Covid-19 lockdown at Mahuva in Gujarat the All-India Padayatra resumed its preaching journey on October 26. When we left…
Bhagavatam distribution target achieved at World Holy Name festival
By Acarya dasa, All-India Padayatra leader Our World Holy Name festivities in the Gujarati town of Mahuva began with Bhadra-purnima. After attending a meeting with our Gurudev, Lokanath Maharaja, all…
Recalling eleven years serving as manager of India’s temple on wheels
By Acarya dasa, All-India Padayatra leader It’s all due to the mercy of Srila Prabhupada, my spiritual master Lokanath Maharaja, and the Vaishnavas that I have completed eleven years of…
What a miracle! Czech Republic Padayatra 2020
By Loka Saranga dasa The dream came true! On July 12 the Czech Padayatra hit the road for the twenty-seventh time. It was absolute nectar and the merciful highlight of…
Srimati Radharani’s mercy confirmed on AIP’s thirty-sixth anniversary
By Acarya dasa, All-India Padayatra leader During the six months following Radhastami 2019 the AIP padayatris happily walked the roads of northwest Maharashtra and southern Gujarat distributing books and spreading…
Solapur devotees boost Radhastami festivities at Sawantwadi centre
By Damodarlila dasa, Maharashtra Padayatra leader Confined to the Sawantwadi centre on Maharashtra’s Konkan coast for six months, the padayatris nonetheless enthusiastically helped the local congregation cap the festival season…