Srila Prabhupada remembered during World Holy Name Week in Juhu
By Acarya dasa, All-India Padayatra leader This year is a special year: All-India Padayatra was at Srila Prabhupada’s office in Juhu Beach, Mumbai, for the World Holy Name Week which…
Road to Mumbai includes darshan of Tukaram Maharaja temples
By Acarya dasa, All-India Padayatra leader At Nigdi ISKCON’s Radha-Govindev temple president Gopinath dasa welcomed the padayatris and Radhanath Maharaja disciple Aloknitya dasa served us. In a class after we…
Vraja-maṇḍala parikramā from Home
Hare Krishna Devotees. Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. As we all eagerly wait for the most ecstatic month of the year – The Damodar month…
Vitthala went back home, back to Godhead
By Acarya Dasa, All India Padayatra leader On October 2nd we were making our way from Virar to Govardhana Eco village, Wada. The distance is about 18 kms. After walking…
Padayatris celebrate Janmastami at Radha-Gopal temple in Aravade
By Damodharlila dasa, Maharashtra Padayatra leader The Maharashtra Padayatra arrived at Aravade a few days before Janmastami. We departed Pandharpur on July 16, 2019, preaching and walking through Solapur, Sangli…
A rose-bush in Maharashtra blossoms by Their Lordships’ mercy
By Damodarleela dasa and Arjuna Krishna dasa Last year when I was with the All-India Padayatra we visited Kanganroli village, where in a garden near a temple I noticed a…
Padayatra UK 2019 – The Canterbury Tale
By Dayal Mora dasa O hail to thee, lover of a tale from Canterbury. Hark! Lend thine ears! Listen to a tall tale that was many times told. A tale…
Join Vraja Mandala Parikrama 2019 and experience the Bliss
This year Vraja Mandala Parikrama will be from October 13 To November 12, 2019. It is a wonderful experience being in Vraja Mandala Parikrama. During the Parikrama, devotees from across…
Padayatris convey Krishna philosophy to the villagers of Sangli District
By Damodharleela dasa, Maharashtra Padayatra leader Schoolchildren dance in ecstasy While walking towards the city of Sangli we sought a place for honouring breakfast prasadam at the village of Hatpur.…
Uttar Pradesh Padayatra inaugurated at Kanpur temple on Radhastami
By Rasutsava dasa On September 6, the auspicious occasion of Radhastami, the Uttar Pradesh Padayatra began under the inspiration of Lokanath Maharaja and the guidance of Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan…