By Ritudvipa Gaurachandra dasa (Uttar Pradesh Padayatra leader)
Recently we got two new oxen for our Uttar Pradesh Padayatra. We already had two oxen named Rama and Krishna. Lokanath Maharaja has mercifully named the new ones Gaura and Nitai. Haribol.
So now we have four oxen in padayatra. Maharaja always says, “These oxen are not just normal oxen but they are very, very fortunate. They are in direct service of Sri Sri Nitai-Gaurasundar.” And as they are serving the Lord, this will definitely be their last birth. Also, as padayatra enters the villages our oxen become the centre of attraction because of their big horns. Ladies of the villages worship them and admire their services rendered to Their Lordships. They are well-behaved and do not cause any harm to anybody. Every day they are ready to walk. They are so much trained in the service that as the yoke is lifted, they automatically come under it and get yoked. It seems they are very eager to serve the Lord.
So please pray for our new members of padayatra, Gaura and Nitai, so that they can serve Their Lordships and perfect their lives. I also feel Srila Prabhupada and Lokanath Maharaja are so merciful by this padayatra project; they have engaged oxen also in the service of the Lord and are delivering thousands of souls daily by the magic of the Hare Krishna maha mantra and spiritual books and prasadam.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
All glories to Lokanath Maharaja.